Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another great day!

Today we again expected rain, but never saw a drop. There was a very light mist early in the morning, but we never got wet. :-) 

Our first stop was in Senhals for a quick hello to the innkeepers at the hotel where my sister Marcia and I stayed three years ago. They actually remembered me! It was such a nice hotel, and I would strongly recommend the Hotel Weinhaus Halfenstube to anyone in the area.

On the ferry - these people are having fun!
Next stop was Beilstein for a hike up to the castle ruins. It’s a long way down from the top of the turret!! Gorgeous views of the Moselle River valley. Then we hopped on the ferry to cross the river for a quick lunch of beer & brats. Along the way to our next stop, Jeff & Kathleen played a quick game of chess on the super-size board. Check out the picture below!

Our final stop today was at Cochem, where several of our group took in the Reichsburg Castle tour. It’s a very impressive and well-preserved site, and the views are incredible.

Our final dinner together
Tonight we had our final dinner together as a group – a bunch of Americans eating Italian in Germany. Hmmm. Tomorrow we ride our final stretch on bikes; then split up to go our separate ways across Europe. Amie & Kathleen will be heading off to Paris & London. Pat & Ken are going to do more biking in southern France. And Jeff, Leigh and I are going to visit our Bast relatives until Sunday morning, when we head south to Berchtesgaden National Park in the Alps.

More pictures from Thursday:
Kathleen loves round hay bales!

Amie with Reichsburg Castle - Cochem

Jeff & Kathleen playing chess

View from Beilstein castle ruins
Russian musicians in Cochem - gorgeous voices!
Entry to Reichsburg Castle - Cochem

Moselle River from Reichsburg Castle

1 comment:

Debbie said...

your pictures are great..I am enjoying them ...hoping Dianne can stop over to view them as well..I am sure she would love to see how Leigh and Jeff are fairing!! Have fun (oh, by the way Pack won last night, but I am sure you heard already!) Love Deb